A team of five Tall Oaks Classical School students (Audra Baumann, Hannah Crismon, Josh Franck, Jaime Weber and Valerie Ziegler) along with two parent-chaperons (Janet Baumann and Matt Crismon) will be traveling to South Korea for one month this summer.
Nearly two thirds of our time will be spent in mission work and one third participating in a global youth forum and visiting historic sights in South Korea.
I listened to this and you all made me cry! So proud of all of you. My heart is bursting with joy at the work the Lord is doing in and through all of you. Hang in there this last week! We are praying for you all!
I listened to this and you all made me cry! So proud of all of you. My heart is bursting with joy at the work the Lord is doing in and through all of you. Hang in there this last week! We are praying for you all!