Thursday, July 25, 2013

God is good, all the time.

Hello from Mungyeong, South Korea!!!

I want this post to be a testimony of God's omnipotence and omniscience. God is a mighty force, and yet gently places influences in our lives. This truth has been made very clear to me during the first ten days of our time in South Korea by his unifying word. God has used our time in South Korea both to beautifully orchestrate friendships between neighbors and grow us as individuals.

When we first hopped off the plane in Seoul, we didn't know any of the people we would be working with. However, after we played "run back and forth to try to meet our bus driver somewhere" we were ushered quickly onto a large bus. Before we had made the 90 minute drive to the campus, I had become friends with three individuals in particular. We have become even closer since then, and have the blessing of continuing our new relationships in person in Delaware!!!! Rachel, Kathleen, and Jordan have been such a blessing to me personally and our team as a whole. when they left for Seoul at 4a.m., it felt as if a part of our team was leaving us. We are all sad to see them leave us, but are glad that this is just the start of a lovely connection.  All to say, God is so good to have crossed our paths during this month in Korea.

As for God's stretching us, today was the first part of English Mission Camp (EMC) orientation. Today was a day of working out details such as what level of English we will be teaching, where, and how. Each of us have spent the past few hours preparing eight days of lesson plans for our individual classes. As we begun this work, we started to realize that we knew NO details. Although WE don't know the details, I know someone who does...GOD!!!!! Even though we like to plan every last detail of our lives, God uses situations like these to grow us in our patience, faith, and wisdom to know that He is good.

I'll try to write back after our orientation is over! Please pray for us whenever you are reminded of us. Thank you for your love and support!

Audra Baumann


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