Monday, July 29, 2013

Teachers ready for students...

It's been a very, very busy Monday here at the GVCS campus! There were so many parents and their children lugging suitcases and camp supplies into the dorms as we teachers put the finishing touches on our English lessons and prepared our daily devotionals and memory verses for the coming two weeks. Finally, at 2:30 this afternoon we were all stationed in our respective classrooms waiting for our students to show up ready to be tested for English fluency via a written exam and an oral test. It was great to see such a wide variety of personalities. Some were oh so quick to make connections with their American teachers and others were more reserved and shy. Our TOCS team fell in love with their young charges in short order!
Teachers for the English Mission Camp 2013 -- GVCS, Mungyeong, S. Korea
(a combination of American high school students and Korean university students)
We are humbled and thrilled to be working with this group!
This is a picture of my classroom before my students arrived. I made the "Learning Tree" to the left of the board out of two sheets of poster board and also hung signs from paper chains listing some of the topics we will be covering in our conversational class period (sports, food, travel, etc.)

I thought you might also like to see the accommodations for the girls and me. These two pictures show the dorm room from both sides. These photos are of my dorm room, which I have all to myself. Our four TOCS girls share a room just like this a few doors down from me.
We appreciate your prayers for tomorrow. We will be teaching our first full day of classes from 8:30 a.m. - about 4:00 p.m. It's going to be a long and glorious day! Pray that we would have wisdom and boldness as we discuss the gospel in our classrooms and reach out to specific children that the Lord laid on each one of our hearts this evening.
Another specific prayer request that we have is to please pray for us tomorrow evening, as our team has been invited to share their winning presentation from the Global Youth Forum with the local government English camp-goers and their leaders. It is not a Christian camp, but our team's presentation is filled with scriptural truths. Pray for our students to execute it well to the glory of God and for the hearts and ears of their audience to hear it.
Janet <><


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congratulation for your team :)
    You and your team is completely cool, gorgeous, awesome and so professional :D
    God bless you even more..
