Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Identifying Evidences of Grace

This has been a sweet day for our team in Mungyeong-si, South Korea. We have been on the go since we left the U.S. on Sunday, July 14.  Today was our first day to be able to sleep in a bit, allow some of our experiences thus far to sink in, journal, hang out with new friends and play some basketball and soccer.

We started our day together at 10 a.m. for prayer and devotions. The book that we are working through, Humility – True Greatness by CJ Mahaney has been such a good challenge for each of us to dwell closely to the cross of Christ, as that is the place where it is impossible for believers to become proud or puffed-up.  Mahaney writes, “Our salvation from first to last, is truly all of grace – and the effect of this grace understood is humility.”
As I see it, humility will be one of the key ingredients for us as we embark on the mission of teaching at the English Mission Camp over the next couple of weeks. Please pray that we would have hearts that are emptied of self and filled with awe of our Savior’s ultimate act of love for us and for the children here that we will teach. Our training begins tomorrow (Thursday 7/25).

Matthew 5:5 says, “Blessed are the humble, for they shall inherit the earth.”  One of my favorite authors, Ann Voskamp wrote the following in response to this verse, “The word humility itself comes from the Latin root humus – the kind of earth that grows good crops. God gives the earth to the “humus-people”, the humble ones. Humility is that good humus that grows gratitude that yields abundant joy.”  May our team be that “good humus” that grows gratitude and yields abundant joy!
For our family members and friends who are reading CJ Mahaney’s book along with us as we are away, we are studying chapter eight right now: Identifying Evidences of Grace. Paul’s example toward the Corinthian church is powerful for us. He was able to see this motley crew of sinful new believers through a divine perspective.  Remembering that each one has been called by Christ helps us fight our fleshly habit of having a critical eye for those around us and we are beginning to cultivate a divine perspective of others' true identity in Christ's sight. The exercise of identifying fruit of the Spirit in one another’s lives has also been a very good and practical exercise for our team. 

Below is a picture of our tired and happy crew after Monday's shopping excursion at the traditional Korean market. I must say, they got some pretty cool gifts for their mammas! :)

I will post more at a later time. Just thought I would share my heart for now.

Love and thanks to you all!

Janet <><

1 comment:

  1. I appreciated reading these few updates this morning. How fun that you were able to meet up with the former tocs teacher. Looking forward to hearing how the English camp goes. Praying for you all!

    ~~~Sue :-)
